2014-03-01 - Difficult Run Run and Great Falls Park with Gayatri


~8.5 miles @ ~15.8 min/mi

Temps are in the 20's for a Difficult Run run along trails at Great Falls National Park, with Gayatri Datta, Rebecca Rosenberg, Barry Smith, and Ken Swab, after Barry and I try the Potomac Heritage Trail and find it ice-covered and dangerous at the American Legion Bridge (upstream) end (cf. 2014-03-01 - Icy Potomac Heritage Trail with Barry). A trip-and-fall on some sticks in first quarter mile bruises hands and scrapes legs, and the old hamstring is still achy. So at mile 6, when Gayatri and I are far behind the rest, we take the Carriage Road shortcut back and then run upstream and back until the rest of the gang arrive. Runtastic and Garmin GPS record details of route and pace and elevation.

^z - 2014-03-19